Tuesday, October 9, 2007

A memorable movie that has the facts - Saving Private Ryan Reviews

Saving Private Ryan was a beautiful movie that I fell in love with. It is about 2.5 hours long and my first thoughts were "wow I can barley sit through Joe Dirt how will I sit through this". It wouldn't of been the same if the movie was short, I felt that I got the full story from begining to end...it was solid all the way throuh. If you don't like Glory movie, you should still see this. D-DAY was inteanse and messy but I am so glad I got to see this movie. It made me have mroe respect for Shoilders and it showed them as people...I loved some...amd hated others. I found my self yelling "OMG YOU IDOT SHOOT HIIM" when they would sit there. I am not in war but that is just how into this movie I got. It is based on a true story and Tom Hanks was great. I sugest everyone go and see this movie.

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