Monday, October 1, 2007

The best war film - Saving Private Ryan Reviews

Before I get into my review of this movie, I just want to take time out and blast the Academy. Why the hell, did Shakespeare in Love beat out this movie for Best Picture? Compare both of the movies, which is better. I personally think (even though I liked Shakespeare In Love) this movie is so much better. This should've won Best Picture, because this is a better movie. Anyways, as for the movie, what can I say that hasn't been already said? This is the movie Pearl Harbor tried to be. This movie showed the real ture horror of war, and it punches you in the stomach with the reality of this, for the first 30 minutes of the film. The acting in this movie is great, the action in this movie is great, and the visuals are great as well because they are very graphic and very realistic. This is possibly one of Steven Spielberg's best films, with the possible exception of Schindler's List. If you like war films, with a good story, great direction and great acting, this is definetly the movie for you.

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