Thursday, September 27, 2007

Historically inaccurate!!! - Saving Private Ryan Reviews

For starter Pvt. Ryan was a British Tank Commander. Not a 101st Airborne Division Paratrooper.Rangers only landed on omaha beach because of miss landings. There main objective was Point Due Hoc. F.Y.I.! Besides , in the movie (lets just pretend pvt. ryan was with what the movie said he was) if hes telling the satory HOW WOULD HE KNOW what was happening with what was going on a Omaha beach ( movie says he was an Amer. Para.) And how would he know thatthe army was looking for him. Or what happened in between.Plus it was a priest that went out to find him! The only thing that was good about this movie was the acting excelent! And the graphics ( blood spating up, explosions going off, etc) The truth was that hollywood made all this crap up because they had to make it all full of killing, 'cause they know just as well as I do that most people dont know nothing about WWII all people want to see about a war movie is the killing and other action. So if your a WWII buff don't see this it's an up set. If action matters more to you be my guest enjoy it! But don't say that my review didn't help. See the movie anyway you'll be thanking me in the end! Thats a Fact! Sincerely WWII Genuise

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