Friday, September 21, 2007

One of the greatest movies ever made! - Saving Private Ryan Reviews

The final two hours and twenty minutes of this film are a great movie on their own. Put them together with the first thirty minutes, which is the best thirty minutes of any film ever, and you have possibly the best movie of all time. The Omaha Beach landing was simply an amazing piece of filmmaking. The visuals are stunning and the sound is incredible too. I was physically exhausted after seeing this movie the first time. That was how powerful it was for me. I think it gives you a true sense of the horrors of war. Most people who criticize this film say it is boring after the first thirty minutes, but I strongly disagree. I thought Spielberg did an outstanding job with the character development of all of the soldiers. You really begin to care about all of them and that is what makes the rest of the story so interesting. This movie is loaded with stars and they all give outstanding performances, especially Tom Hanks as Captain Miller. This film is a must own. The first thirty minutes is also great for testing your home theater sound system.

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