Sunday, September 30, 2007

The truth behind "saving private ryan" - Saving Private Ryan Reviews

The first half-hour of the film was entertaining. It gave me a glims of what happen on Omaha Beach. Afterward, the movie became more of one person perspective of what happen after D-Day. Personality Steven Spielberg, didn't do his homework on the intensity of the german's infantry. The majority of the U.S soldiers that landed on Omaha Beach weren't superhuman, as catorgorizes in "Saving Private Ryan"; they were all "Green" to the battle field. For the people that don't know what "Green" mean; it describing that someone has no on field battle experience. These soldiers had to confront the best of what the German army had to offer. They confronted the elite Panzer, as well as the elite Werhmark divisions. Not to mention; the Luffwaffe that devastated the troops, using Stuka Dive Bombers. Also the use of superior technology such as the ME162 jet figthers, inflicted heavy casualties. The only reason why the United States won the war, was due to the over whelming supplies of materials. not to mention; the German's were a very formatable fighting force. To prove that point, was in the "Battle of the Rhine." U.S troops again was told by their field commanders, that they were going to confront a demoralized German War Machine, filled with conscripts without any on field battle experience. On the contrary the U.S troops sent to battle the Germans were "Green." The U.S was so close to losing that battle due to the fact they had no air support, and they were fighting against one of the elite Werhmark Divisions. So, which brings me back to my main point as to why this motion picture should be catogorized as "Hollywood." Speilberg epic adventure into making a believable war movie, based on historial facts, fails to reach it realism after the Omaha Beach scene. Also, I can understand why he demonized the German's in this war film, since he is a Jew. The acting was questionable, the direction fell off after the first 30 minutes into the film, and the story became very tiresome. In real life the U.S Army isn't going to spend their resources trying to save a Private Ryans, unless they are within the vicinity of the soldier, who is in destress. The only bright spot on this film is the visual effects.

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